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Introduction of 

Manager Support Service

we are looking for monitoring partner

What is Manager Support Service?

Manager Support Service is the effective solution using IT technology for your managers to grow up. 

Only 1 time training cannot grow “manager” in your company enough. We believe it is effective to provide support service to see the real growth in manager sustainably. 

However, if we provide support service manually, it costs very expensive so that not many companies can afford to join.

That’s why we are developing “Manager Support Service” using IT with Japanese top training company.


Soft skills growth by action learning

this service will support action learning process in your company. That’s why your managers can apply management soft skills quickly and appropriately in actual context.


Frequent follow up and coaching by trainer

Our trainer will support the learning process through phone and e-mail according to the actual progress of each learner. That’s why your manager can continue learning process smoothly. 


Japan Quality Training in affordable price

There are no reasonable but qualified manager training in Cambodia for now. 

By collaboration with JP top rated training company - People Focus Consulting, SALASUSU made it possible for all Cambodian potential managers to apply.

Service Flow

in each cycle, your managers can get enough support to change their behavior 


4.Online training

2.Action setting

3.Offline training

 *one cycle = 3month

in each cycle, your managers can get enough support to change their behavior 

join assessment tools (with team members as well)



discuss with Big boss in order to decide focusing area to improve & necessary action

2.Action Setting


basic team management training 

3.Offline Training


Practice your action plan & get more skills from online training tools

4.Online Training


Offline Training

Half day offline training

Participants can get team leadership training for half day in Khmer

including how to see the assessment tools & micro-learning tools introduction

※ We plan to open offline training every month

※ You can skip this offline training from 2nd cycle

Online Training

Online Training

We offer online micro learning platform with at least 9 contents for more detail skills & knowledge for manager. you can use PC or mobile to access and learn them (1 module = 1 hour)

*Leaning platform use

Online learning contents list


1.Personal Planning

2.Getting Organized

3.Self Control (EQ)

One by One

1.Member Development

2.Member Alignment

3.Getting Improved



1.Setting Team Goals

2.Improve Team Process

3.Running Team Meeting


We provide japan quality but affordable price for every one!! 

Basic Price

・1 client: $100 / month

・1 user: $15 / month

 ※ price plan will be revised after notice

Now we have Special offer You can start with
$1,000 pack for 6 months * up to 9 managers

Example : if 9 staffs train 6 month

$100 x 1client x 6month = $600

$15 x 9staffs x 6month = $810

Total Price = $1410

Now we have special offer $1,000 package plan

To start training with more us easily , spacial price include

Up to 9 staffs / 6 month training

Cost only $1,000 !!

*This special offer is limited amount of group only.


About us

Our Staffs


橋本 沙耶加

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Anne Oliver

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Alex Mills

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SALASUSU is social enterprise to serve companies & government both in Cambodia & Japan
in order to achieve sustainable growth of people & organization through life skills training & consulting. We have own factory to practice our training & marketing strategy

Your partner for globally-focused change and growth.
How do you take what works in one culture and make it work in another? How can you ensure your organization can compete globally? PFC knows that inspiration and growth come from within. We believe that internal inspiration is the key to helping individuals, teams and organizations succeed locally and globally. We help unite diverse teams and personalities from within an organization to communicate more effectively, focus more clearly and act with common purpose.
Whether you are seeking to globalize or simply improve the way you do business at home, we can help you prepare your organization for success.

Powerd by

  • 短期間のツアーを行うことは可能ですか?
    はい!最短で3泊5日から実施できます。一方で下記の理由から1週間 - 2週間の期間をお勧めしております。 ・参加者同士の絆が育まれ、これからお互いのリーダーシップを育てていくための同志となること ・自分なりのリーダーシップを育むためにはある一定期間日常業務から離れる必要があること ・より多くのロールモデルとなるリーダーや社会課題の現場を深く体験して頂けること
  • 航空券・ホテルの手配は誰が行いますか?
  • 現地の医療体制はどうなっていますか?
    世界有数の観光地でもあるカンボジアでは、アンコールワットやSALASUSUの工房があるシェムリアップ、首都のプノンペンともに信頼できる病院がございます。海外保険を利用したキャッシュレスの診察にも対応しており、日本人医師または日本人通訳が常駐しております。 シェムリアップ病院:Royal Angkor International Hospital プノンペン病院:サンライズジャパン病院
  • 事前・事後学習はなしでツアープログラムだけ発注することもできますか?
    はい、可能です。下記の理由から導入をお勧めしております ・ツアーの学びを最大限大きくするため、事前に情報の提供とメンバー同士の絆を作る事前学習 ・ツアーの学びを定着させ業務との接続を行うため、学びの言語化、コミットメントを引き出す事後学習
  • SDGsのどの項目に対応した社会課題を体感することができますか?
    SALASUSUが実施する事業においては下記のSDGsについて現場をご覧いただき実感して頂くことが可能です。 ■現地工房でのものづくりと教育事業 ・目標1. 貧困をなくそう ・目標4. 質の高い教育をみんなに ・目標5. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう ・目標12. つくる責任、つかう責任 ■カンボジア政府と連携した職業訓練事業 ・目標8. 働きがいも経済成長も ・目標9. 産業と技術革新の基盤を作ろう ・目標17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう また当団体が紹介する現地起業家、NGOなどへの訪問を通じて例えば下記のような現場 をご見学頂くことも可能です。 目標 2. 飢餓をゼロに ・1000村以上に農業指導を行ってきたカンボジア人による草の根NGO ・コオロギの養殖に挑む日本人若手起業家 目標3. すべての人に健康と福祉を ・地域保健センターの指導改善に取り組む草の根NGO ・医療アクセス改善アプリを開発する若手カンボジア人起業家 目標6. 安全な水とトイレをみんなに ・首都の水道整備を行った日本の自治体 ・衛生教育に取り組む国際機関の現場 ・農村へ安全な水を届けるプロジェクト 目標11. 住み続けられるまちづくりを ・スマートシティ実証実験を行う開発機関 ・防災に取り組む日本の大学 目標13. 気候変動に具体的な対策を 目標15. 陸の豊かさも守ろう ・生物多様性と森林保護に取り組む世界規模の環境国際NGO
Wat Damnak Village, Sangkat Salakamroeuk,  
SIem Reap, Cambodia  |  Tel: +855 (0)63 967 896

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