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Workshop for producers - Know more about our customers.

We are always working to improve the connection between customers and producers. However, our producers working at the community factory don’t know who our customers are. Therefore, it's very difficult for them to imagine what they could give to our customers. Although our cusotmers are moved by the journey of these young women and satisfied when they buy our products, our producers never think about how they have power to inspire people coming from foreign countries.

Therefore, we invited our shop staff to share their experiences with our producers. We also interviewed the customers at our shops, made a video, and prepared an interactive workshop to let them better understand how our customers feel when they purchase the products handmade by our producers.

Surprisingly, our producers were very excited about this workshop. Their eyes were shining. After our producers received positive feedback from our customers, they felt this is meaningful work and they have the ability to inspire our customers to live their best lives. They started to change their way of thinking about their work, and it gradually enhanced their self-confidence and motivation to work here.

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